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- 2024-2025
- District Wide
- Events
- Hershey High School
- 2024-2025
- Awards
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
- Seniors
Congratulations to the January Rotary Students of the Month representing Hershey High School - Violet Foley and Vinay Raman! This particular honor recognizes the outstanding contributions they have made at Hershey High School as well as in the community. The Hershey Rotary honored Violet and Vinay during the January 13th board meeting. The students presented their speeches of accomplishments in person at the meeting.
- 2023-2024
- 2024-2025
- Hershey Elementary School
- Kindergarten Registration
Derry Township School District is underway with the planning for our incoming Kindergarteners for the 2025-2026 school year! A child is eligible for admission to kindergarten if s/he has attained the age of five (5) years before the first day of September. Sign up for our mailing list to stay informed on upcoming mailings and events for our 2025-2026 Kindergarten class! The first event will be our Parent Information Night which will be Wednesday, January 29 at 6:00 PM on Zoom.
- 2024-2025
- Hershey High School
- Hershey Middle School
Derry Township School District is proud to announce the distinguished and regular honor roll for the first marking period of the 2024-25 school year for Hershey High School and Hershey Middle School. Congratulations!
- 2024-2025
- Awards
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
- Seniors
Congratulations to the November Rotary Students of the Month representing Hershey High School - Chloe Maitrejean and Ryan MacPhee! This particular honor recognizes the outstanding contributions they have made at Hershey High School as well as in the community. The Hershey Rotary honored Chloe and Ryan during the November 4th board meeting. The students presented their speeches of accomplishments in person at the meeting.
- 2024-2025
- Awards
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
- Seniors
Hershey High School and Derry Township School District are proud to reconigize 12 HHS students for being named Commended Students in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program. Commended Students are being reconigzed for their exceptional academic promise demostrated by their outstanding performance on the qualifying test. View this headline for the list of Commended Students.
- 2024-2025
- District Wide
- School Board
The Derry Township School District is seeking proposals from experienced, licensed, full-service law firms to serve as legal counsel for the District. For more information and to access the full Request for Proposals (RFP), please visit our website.
- 2024-2025
- Awards
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
- Seniors
Congratulations to the October Rotary Students of the Month representing Hershey High School - Joyce Tao and Sean Elliott! This particular honor recognizes the outstanding contributions they have made at Hershey High School as well as in the community. The Hershey Rotary honored Joyce and Sean during the October 7th board meeting. The students presented their speeches of accomplishments in person at the meeting.
- 2024-2025
- Awards
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
- Seniors
Hershey High School and Derry Township School District are proud to annouce Violet Foley, Benjamin Fredrickson, and Matthew Milunic has been selected as 2025 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. Congratulations and good luck to these students as advice in the National Merit Scholarship competition.
- 2024-2025
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
Connect with us on Hershey High School's LinkedIn page to help you connect, network, and grow both professionally and personally. This page is designed to connect Hershey High School students, staff, and alumni. Whether you're a current student, a proud graduate, or a dedicated educator, this community fosters meaningful connections, professional growth, mentoring opportunities, and lifelong networking opportunities.
- 2024-2025
- Hershey High School
Current Sophomores, Junior or Seniors, if you are interested in careers in the Architecture, Construction Management or Engineering fields, the ACE Mentor of Central PA program is accepting applications for the 2024-25 community program. It will be In-person (at Coaster Café and local business tours) Tuesday evenings 5-7pm from October 15th to March 11th. Obtain information at https://www.acementor.org/ and register at https://app.acementor.org/registration/student
- 2024-2025
- Events
- Hershey High School
- Important Information
- 2024-2025
- District Wide
- Events
- Important Information
- School Board
Join us on September 30th at 6:00 PM at Hershey Elementary School for our community to learn more about the conceptual design options for our brand-new elementary school. This is your chance to shape the future of our community, ask questions, and share your feedback on this important project. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something special—your input matters! See you there!
- 2024-2025
- Awards
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
Congratulations to McKinley Ebert for placing 1st in the state of PA and 7th in the ENTIRE nation in the 2024 Spring Investwrite Essay Contest! McKinley wrote an essay answering the prompt “Which investment in your Stock Market Game portfolio performed the best and why? Using this investment, recommend a diversified $25,000 portfolio of stocks, bonds, and/or mutual funds to save for a personal, family or community goal in the year 2030. Be sure to mention what your goal is.” Visit this headline to read the essay and learn more about SIFMA.
- 2023-2024
- Awards
- District Wide
- Hershey High School
The Hershey High School Tri-M Music Honors Society Chapter, #T428, was recently awarded Pennsylvania’s Chapter of the Year by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). With a yearly membership of over 40 HHS students, our chapter has been very active the past few years, most recently beginning initiatives such as hosting community outreach events such as community Winter-themed breakfast, offering student volunteer events at functions such as Harrisburg Symphony concert, and forming performance opportunities for our students at local venues such as Hershey’s Chocolate World and retirement communities.