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Derry Township School District

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Revised Electronic Device Policy 237

  • 2024-2025
  • District Wide
  • Important Information
  • School Board
Revised Electronic Device Policy 237

Dear DTSD Families,

We are writing to inform you about an important update to our electronic device policy. On Monday, June 24th, the DTSD School Board approved revisions to policy 237, Electronic Devices. This update is to help parents, educators, and community members prepare for the coming year. We greatly appreciate your input during our 30-day review process which helped us to clarify language in the policy.

The new version of policy 237 limits the use of personal cellular devices as a part of the district's plans to tackle mental health and bullying issues associated with social media. Additionally, limiting access to cell phones throughout the school day will allow students to be more focused on teacher instruction and their academic endeavors. We believe these changes will create a healthier school environment. 

In the coming days, as we prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, your child’s school building will provide information about implementing this policy in their school. The building principal and administrative team have developed building-specific procedures to support these changes. Please note that this policy will not apply to school buses to ensure our bus drivers can remain focused on their driving.

We understand that this change will be an adjustment. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below to help support the transition to a device-free learning environment.  

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Best regards,

Stacy L. Winslow, Ed.D.
Derry Township School District

Cell Phone Policy Flyer