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Derry Township School District

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Board of School Directors

Pennsylvania School Code and the Pennsylvania Department of Education govern the nine-member Board of School Directors for the Derry Township School District. Directors act as the general agent for the people of the district in the manner of public education. They are charged with being constantly aware of the concerns and desires of the whole community regarding the quality and performance of the school system.

The Board establishes educational goals for district students and governs a program of education designed to meet those goals. The Board is committed to educating all students to the best of their individual abilities. Moreover, the Board assumes an educational leadership role and employs the Superintendent. Additionally, the Board adopts courses of study and textbooks; employs all staff members; and fixes and prescribes their duties, wages and salaries, and terms of employment. 

PA School Boards Association

National School Boards Association

Board Members

Back row, left to right: Robert Bennett, Stewart McCarver, Tracey Royo, Honesta Romberger, Ericka Schmidt, Joshua Cysyk. Front row, left to right: Jennifer Renz, Lindsay Drew, Michael Rizzo, Stacy Winslow.

President: Ms. Lindsay Drew
Vice President: Mrs. Jennifer Renz
Treasurer: Mr. Michael Rizzo

Superintendent: Dr. Stacy Winslow 
Board Secretary: 
Mrs. Michele Agee 
District Solicitor: 
To Be Determined

Members at Large:

Mr. Robert Bennett+ 
Dr. Joshua Cysyk*
Ms. Lindsay Drew+
Dr. Stewart McCarver*
Mrs. Jennifer Renz*
Mr. Michael Rizzo+ 
Ms. Honesta Romberger*
Mrs. Tracey Royo* 
Mrs. Ericka Schmidt+

School directors are elected on odd-numbered years to four-year terms. During the first week of December, the board elects a president and vice president to serve one-year terms starting immediately. The board also elects a treasurer and secretary in May to one and four-year terms respectively. Their terms begin in July. 

+Board term expires 2025
*Board term expires 2027 

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