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Derry Township School District

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Electronic Device Policy

On Monday, June 24th, the DTSD School Board approved revisions to policy 237, Electronic Devices. This update responds to feedback from parents, educators, and community members. We greatly appreciate your input and are dedicated to addressing your concerns.

The revised policy incorporates your feedback to tackle mental health and bullying issues associated with social media. We believe these changes will create a healthier school environment.

In the coming days, as we prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, your child’s school building will provide information about implementing this policy in their school. The building principal and administrative team have developed building-specific procedures to support these changes. Please note that this policy will not apply to school buses to ensure our bus drivers can remain fully focused on their driving.

We understand that this change will be an adjustment. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below to help support the transition to a device-free learning environment. 

To read the full approved policy, visit the link below.

Electronic Device Policy 237

General Questions

  • Why was the new policy implemented?

    • In response to the growing consensus and recommendations from educators and medical professionals for more restrictive cell phone policies in schools and the mounting evidence supporting these measures. The evidence suggests that more restrictive cell phone policies can significantly enhance the learning environment, reduce distractions, and promote better student academic and social outcomes. We are also paying close attention as our state government proposes legislation surrounding cell phone use in K-12 schools. 

  • When does the policy go into effect?
    • Beginning of the 2024-2025 school year 
  • Who does the policy apply to?
    • All students K-12 
  • What research was done when creating this policy?

    • UNESCO reports “While it may take only 10 seconds for a student to respond with a thumbs-up emoji, their brain will need 20 minutes to refocus on the algebra or history or physics lesson in front of them.”

    • From “The Anxious Generation” by author and psychologist Jonathan Haidt:

      • Phone-Free Schools: A Collaborative Review

      • 46% - Teens online ‘almost constantly’ -- double the 2015 figure.

      • 237 - Average number of phone notifications teens receive daily.

      • 1 in 5 - Students with depression, twice the 2010 number.

      • 134% - Increase in girls’ suicide rate since 2010.

  • Where should students store their cell phones during school hours?
    • At the elementary school: Students required to turned off cellphones and store in backpacks\
    • At the middle school: Students are required to leave their cellphones in their assigned lockers
    • At the high school: Students are encouraged to put their phone in their lockers (all students will be assigned a locker on the first day of school). Students may store their phones in their backpacks, but they must be away and turned off for the entirety of the school day. 
  • Will the district buy the Yondr (or similar) phone pouches?
    • At this time the district does not have plans to purchase phone pouches, but may consider this in the future if deemed a need.

Usage Guidelines

  • Can students use their cell phones during lunch or between classes?
    • No, per the policy student personal cellular devices should be turned off and away for the entirety of the school day. 
  • Is there an option to opt out?
    • No, parents cannot opt their student out of the policy.
  • Can students use their cell phones after school?
    • Yes. 
  • Can students use their cell phones to listen to music during study hall or lunch?
    • No. However students will be permitted to access music platforms via their school ipad. 
  • Can students use their cell phones on school buses or at athletic events?
    • Yes.
  • Are smart watches or wearable devices included in this policy?
    • Students may wear their watches/devices, but they must be set to time only (placed in “airplane” mode).
  • What happens if a student is caught using a cell phone during school hours?
    • Each building has outlined their consequences for violating the cell phone policy. Please see the handbooks here: 


  • Are there plans to integrate other forms of technology to aid learning?
    • All students will continue to have 1 to 1 access with their school issued iPad with support from our onsight technology department. 
  • Can students use their personal laptops or personal tablets during school hours?
    • Yes, students will continue to be permitted to bring in their personal laptops to facilitate the learning opportunities in certain classes. 
  • Can students use their cell phones to participate in school work?
    • No, not during the school day. 

Contacting your student

  • How can parents contact their students during the school day?
    • Students will have access to their Hershey email throughout the day on their school issued iPad. Parents can email their students. 
  • How can parents contact their students in an emergency or schedule change immediately?
    • Parents are asked to call the main office of their child’s school and that information will be shared with the student. 
  • How will athletic coaches contact students for sports-related schedule changes or communications?
    • Announcements will be made for any schedule changes that occur during the school day. Communication apps such as Remind will be available in the Self Service app on all student iPads. 

Additional Questions

  • Will the policy be reviewed or updated in the future?
    • Yes. All board policies go through a periodic review cycle.
  • How can students or parents provide feedback about the policy?
    • Students and parents may reach out to their building administrator, to the superintendent, or may use the Community Correspondence form should they wish to communicate directly with the school board.