Buildings & Grounds
To ensure a safe and enhanced learning environment, the Derry Township School District maintains its buildings and grounds to the highest standards. This includes the interior of all district buildings and the campus grounds (parking lots, sidewalks, roadways, athletic fields, etc.).
When in a building or on its campus, the district asks that everyone act responsibly to help ensure proper upkeep of the grounds and the safety of students, staff, and visitors.
Parking on Campus
The Derry Township School District invites parents, community members, prospective families, etc. to visit its campus. When doing so, the district asks that you park your vehicle in authorized parking areas. The district has posted "No Parking" signs around the school buildings, parking lots, and athletic fields. The Derry Township Police Department will issue citations for vehicles parked in designated "No Parking" zones. In addition, it is critical that fire and emergency equipment have 24-hour access. The Township of Derry, under one of its ordinances, has designated the posted areas as fire lanes and loading/unloading zones for school buses. Further, the Department of Homeland Security has proclaimed that unattended vehicles may pose a safety and security risk. This means heeding the "No Parking" zones not only during school hours but also during non-school hours.
Related Links
Meet the Director
John Fready, Director of Buildings & Grounds
Scott Daub, Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds
Facilities Usage
The Derry Township School District welcomes community organizations and township residents to inquire about using district buildings or grounds for special events. Inquiries or requests to use district facilities (buildings or grounds) must be made through the athletic office. To assure availability of the facility, payment of rental fees, and the necessary insurance certificate of liability, please call 534-2501. The district will process requests on a first-come, first-served basis, except that school groups will be given priority over external groups. The necessary forms are available below or through the district office.
Request for Use of School Facilities Form
Letter to those requesting use of school facilities