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Derry Township School District

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Foster Care

Foster Care in Pennsylvania

Every child deserves a loving, nurturing permanent home, where they feel cared for, safe and supported. Foster care provides temporary care with foster parents for children who are unable to remain in their own homes and are placed in the custody of the county Children and Youth agency by the courts.

In K-12 education, school and child welfare partners need to work together frequently regarding school placement best interest determinations (BIDs), transportation coordination, and enrollment and records transfers. Routine collaboration and joint decision making between education and child welfare partners is critical to the educational stability and success of K-12 youth in foster care.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires Pennsylvania's LEAs receiving Title I funds to identify and register a Foster Care Point of Contact (POC). This includes public school districts, charter schools, and cyber charter schools. 

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has established a State level Point of Contact to address issues related to the education of children in foster care. You may contact the SEA POC, Matthew Butensky, Youth Development Managing Coordinator, Center for Schools and Communities, or Office: (717) 763-1661 ext. 171 / Cell: (570) 238-0258.

The Point of Contact for Foster Care Placement at Derry Township School District is

Shauntae Iachini, Director of Supportive Schools. 

Mrs. Iachini can be reached at