Psychological Services
Psychological Services
Together We Shine
School psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. They are also important members of school safety and crisis teams.
We, the school psychologists at Derry Township School District, thank you our parents, community, staff and administration for the opportunity to work with such amazing students!
Thank you!
Dr. Lillenstein, Dr. Pedersen, Ms. Valentine
DTSD School Psychs receive National Association of School Psychologists' Excellence in School Psychological Services Recognition
In January 2020, the Derry Township school psychological services program and staff received the recognition of “Proficient” status from the National Association of School Psychologists’ (NASP) Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. This recognition reflects the organizational commitment and hard work of Derry Township School District school psychologists who support the learning and mental health needs of all students so that they can thrive in school, at home, and throughout life. Only 6 school districts in the country received this designation! Derry Township's school psychologists and masters/doctoral level school psychology interns help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. They collaborate with administrators, educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students that strengthen connections between home and school.
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) renewed Derry Township School District "proficient" status in 2024.
Derry Township’s school psychologists and masters/doctoral level school psychology interns work to find the best solution for each student and situation and use varied strategies to address student needs and to improve school and district-wide support systems. The school psychologists and masters/doctoral level school psychology interns work with students individually and in groups. They also develop programs to train teachers and parents regarding effective teaching and learning strategies, effective techniques to manage behavior at home and in the classroom, and working with students with disabilities or with special talents. Through participation in the Hershey Intervention and Prevention Program (HIP), issues concerning the abuse of drugs and other substances, and preventing and managing crises are also addressed.
Derry Township’s school psychologists and masters/doctoral level school psychology interns are active participants on various teams in each building, including, Data Teams, Intervention Planning Teams, Intervention Teams, Student Assistance Teams (HIP), assist with the development of Transition Plans and 504/Chapter 15 Service Agreements, and regularly participate in regular and special education programs. They oversee the District’s Acadience/FastBridge/Performance Plus programs and MTSS Tier Process for assessment and intervention which assists in determining whether students are acquiring skills and responding to the core curriculum and/or specialized interventions.
School Psychologists
Grades 2-5
Amanda B. Valentine, M.S., NCSP
School Psychologist
717-534-2501 x6127
Grades K-1, 6-8
Dr. Jason A. Pedersen, NCSP
School Psychologist
717-534-2501 x6035 (ECC); x4228 (HMS)
Grades 9-12, Gifted, Emotional Support
Dr. David J. Lillenstein, NCSP
School Psychologist
717-534-2501 x5436
30 E. Granada Avenue
PO Box 898
Hershey, PA 17033
Masters/Doctoral Level Interns:
Kara Schaertel, M.Ed.
Indiana University of PA
Alexis Stoner, M.Ed.
Temple University
Andy Wislock, M.Ed.
PennWest University - Edinboro