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Derry Township School District

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Our MTSS Model

Derry Township School District has implemented a Response to Intervention (RTI) model which: (1) emphasizes early intervention in the regular education learning environment, (2) maximizes all staff’s expertise and services, and makes effective use of all existing resources, (3) assesses the student’s strengths and weaknesses based on their academic performance in the regular education setting, (4) delivers interventions in the regular education environment and are based on observable, reliable, and measurable information, (5) frequently and directly monitors and charts student response to interventions, (6) de-emphasizes categories and labels while encouraging creativity, problem solving, and providing support to students, staff, and parents in a timely manner.

The district has implemented comprehensive universal screening and progress monitoring, which is norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, formative, and diagnostic. The assessment program includes benchmark, as well as progress monitoring assessments conducted by the classroom teacher and other professional staff. The staff gather formative assessment data (curriculum and performance-based) and collaborate with colleagues to make data-based instructional decisions. The district has implemented a multi-tier assessment and intervention model, which includes parent notification and involvement, is prevention-oriented and where each tier provides a greater degree of intensive and supportive intervention and assessment in response to student need. Supplemental intervention, referred to in the district as “Boosting,” offers small group instruction, previewing/reviewing of content, a higher degree of corrective feedback, more time on difficult tasks, teaching to mastery, increased opportunities to respond, more frequent progress monitoring, and fewer transitions. This is only delivered in conjunction with classroom instruction so that the classroom teacher never transfers ownership or responsibility for the solution of the instructional problem to other staff. Students with more significant needs are provided intervention which is more intensive and of longer duration and may include specially-designed instruction. Regular education, remedial education, and special education are working together as a unified team, with the same goal – to ensure that all students can learn and reach a level of proficiency.

Read more about Derry Township's Response to Intervention Model

DTSD RTI - Hershey Elementary Literacy Program - Year 1 Overview and Outcomes