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Derry Township School District

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Transportation Eligibility Requirements

School Bus photo

Students living within Derry Township School District that meet the qualifying conditions are eligible for district-provided transportation services to and from their primary residence. (Primary residency for both public and non-public school students must be established through the District Registrar.) Eligible students will receive transportation services assigned by the student’s primary home address.

The district provides transportations services to elementary students (Grades K-6) who live more than 1.5 miles from their attending school and secondary students (Grades 7-12) Who live more than 2 miles from their attending school. Students who live in a designated walking area that has been declared hazardous by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will also receive district transportation services.

NOTE: Students may still be required to walk up to 1.5 miles to an elementary school or 2 miles to a secondary school bus stop.


District students who live within a certain proximity to our schools may not be eligible for transportation services. Walking distances have been set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and begin where the driveway for a residence meets the public roadway. Under these guidelines, elementary students (Grades K-6) who live less than 1.5 miles from their attending school and secondary students (Grades 7-12) Who live less than 2 miles from their attending school are walkers. Exceptions are made for students whose primary residence is located in an areas declared hazardous by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. DTSD requires 6th graders to follow the secondary student walking area guidelines due to building assignment and bussing schedules for the Middle School and High School.

Non-Public School Students

Students who attend a non-public school that is located 10 miles or less by paved public roadway from the DTSD border are eligible for district-provided transportation. DTSD is also required to adhere to the calendar’s start times, finish times and scheduled early dismissal dates when transporting students to Non-Public Schools. Information or changes regarding your student’s transportation should be completed on the DTSD Act 372 form available at your attending school office and submitted to the DTSD Transportation Office.

 Route Planning Guidelines

The Transportation Office encourages parents/guardians to submit any address or bus stop changes for their students no later than two weeks prior to the start of school. Late changes may not be accommodated prior to the start of school. School bus routes are configured based on student residences as of the first week of July each year. Bus stop locations are subject to change at any time.